Dr. Anna Maria Koukal
My main research interests lie in the field of political economy, gender economics and cultural economics. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Fribourg and the Swiss Distance University Institute. I am currently working on the following questions: Under which circumstances are citizens willing to extend voting rights to non-citizens, women or young adults? How does democratic integration affect integration in more general? How do cultural leaders affect behavior of group members? Under which circumstances is direct democracy harmful for weak societal groups? Which factors drive the political participation of women? To empirically investigate these questions, I collected a new municipality level dataset covering the entire universe of enfranchisement decisions in Switzerland (1919 – 2017) as well as a dataset covering the results of all federal elections and referendum votes on the municipality level since 1945.
As a young Economist I am also involved in the European Association of Young Economists (EAYE co-president). We aim to provide services to young Economists.
If you are interested in my research or the EAYE please contact me!