Dr. Anna Maria Koukal

My main research interests lie in the field of political economy, gender economics and cultural economics. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Fribourg and the Swiss Distance University Institute. I am currently working on the following questions: Under which circumstances are citizens willing to extend voting rights to non-citizens, women or young adults? How does democratic integration affect integration in more general? How do cultural leaders affect behavior of group members? Under which circumstances is direct democracy harmful for weak societal groups? Which factors drive the political participation of women? To empirically investigate these questions, I collected a new municipality level dataset covering the entire universe of enfranchisement decisions in Switzerland (1919 – 2017) as well as a dataset covering the results of all federal elections and referendum votes on the municipality level since 1945.

As a young Economist I am also involved in the European Association of Young Economists (EAYE co-president). We aim to provide services to young Economists.

If you are interested in my research or the EAYE please contact me!


Publications and Work in Progress

Working Papers

Leader-Induced Cultural Change: How Vatican II Triggered Female Enfranchisement
[Working Paper]

Direct Democracy and Discrimination: Lessons from Swiss Female Enfranchisement
with Reiner Eichenberger
[Working Paper]

Political Integration of Foreigners: How does Foreigners Suffrage Impact Natives' Attitudes?
with Marco Portmann
[Working Paper]

Enfranchising Foreigners: What Drives Natives’ Willingness to Enfranchise Foreigners?
with Patricia Schafer and Reiner Eichenberger
[Working Paper]

The Trade-off between Deepening and Broadening of Democracy. Lessons from Youth Enfranchisement
with Patricia Schafer and Reiner Eichenberger
[Working Paper]

Work in Progress

Political Devaluation? Lessons from Emancipating Women in Politics
with Stephanie Fürer and Jonathan Massonnets

Yes we can! Drivers of Women’s' Political Engagement
with Stephanie Fürer and Jonathan Massonnets

The Consequences of Peaceful Secession: The Case of Jurexit
with Vera Eichenauer

What Drives the Trade-Off between Economic and Health Integrity?
with Alexander Ort

Newspaper articles

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2021). Die direkte Demokratie war Bremse und Gaspedal für das Frauenstimmrecht
Schweizer Monat, n. 1084, p.26-28.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2020). Gebt Ausländern und Jugendlichen mehr Mitsprache in der Schweiz
Die Weltwoche, n. 39, p.36.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2019). Politische Mitsprache fördert die Integration von Ausländern.
NZZ am Sonntag, 11.08.2019, p.15.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2017). Investiert in alle!
NZZ am Sonntag, 25.11.2017.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2016). En vez de renta, capital básico.
El Pais, 11.9.2016, p. 4-5.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2015). Die beste Sozialhilfe: Das Grundkapital.
ZESO, Februar 2015, p. 34.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2014). Auf zur neuen Eidgenossenschaft.
Nordwestschweiz, 20.2.2014, p. 4.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2012). Investiert in alle!.
Schweizer Monat, no.996 Mai 2012, p 48-51.

Eichenberger, Reiner und Anna Maria Koukal (2012). Alte an die Arbeit – Bonus für Altenarbeit.
Zenit, no.1, p.22-25.


Fachhochschule Esslingen

BA Lecture: Einführung in die Mikro- und Makroökonomie

Swiss Distance University Institute

BA Lecture: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

University of Fribourg

BA 4. Semester, Lecture: Finanzwissenschaft I

BA 5. Semester, Seminar: Finanzwissenschaft II: Finanzwissenschaftliche Aspekte der Umweltpolitik und der Beziehung Schweiz-Europa

MA 1.-4. Semester, Seminars: Grenzbereiche der Finanzwissenschaft, Institutionelle und politische Reformen, Aktuelle Probleme der Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik


Executive MBA in NPO Managment at Institut für Verbands-, Stiftungs- und Genossenschafts-Management (VMI)


[Download my CV here]

Current Position

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences University of Fribourg &
Swiss Distance University Institute



PhD in Economics at University of Fribourg
(summa cum laude)


Master of Arts in Economics at University of Fribourg
(summa cum laude)
Master of Arts in Social Work and Social Policy at University of Fribourg (Minor)
(summa cum laude)


Bachelor of Arts in Social Work and Social Policy at University of Fribourg
Bachelor of Arts in Economics at University of Fribourg (Minor)


Gender award 2020 for PhD thesis
Vigener price 2019 for best PhD thesis



University of Fribourg
Boulevard de Perolles
CH-1700 Fribourg

FernUni Schweiz
Ueberlandstrasse 12
CH-3900 Brig